Turning visions into facts:

Matsuura Additive Manufacturing

Conventional was yesterday. With additive manufacturing, we provide you with a high-precision, fast and convincing manufacturing option that helps you to completely new possibilities. The innovative manufacturing process differs fundamentally from conventional manufacturing processes: components and molds are built up layer by layer and enable a new level of flexibility and freedom in design.



Future meets today:

With the hybrid additive manufacturing systems of the LUMEX series, Matsuura is ahead of its time in the field of additive manufacturing. Enormous flexibility and design freedom characterize the manufacturing process in 3D printing, which the LUMEX series masters excellently. It is the result of intensive research and development in the field of additive manufacturing. The machines combine selective laser sintering (SLS) and high speed milling (HSM). Both processes are technologically combined in the LUMEX Avance-25 and the LUMEX Avance-60 in a hybrid machine. By combining laser sintering and high-speed milling, metal components can be completely machined on one machine.

HP Multi Jet Fusion 5200 Serie

3D printing meets series production:

The Matsuura Additive Manufacturing product range is complemented by the Multi Jet Fusion 5200 series 3D printers from the HP brand. The focus is on the production of functional plastic parts. The reliable and high-precision machines are ideally suited for series production in terms of productivity and cost-effectiveness.


3D printed parts become high-quality products:

DyeMansion is the world's leading supplier of finishing systems for industrial polymer 3D printing and the only provider of a complete, fully integrated end-to-end solution for all post-processing steps. From perfectly fitting glasses to personalized automotive interiors, technology is making 3D-printed products a part of everyday life.


3D printed parts to drive innovation better and faster

Sinterit's products provide easy access to selective laser sintering (SLS) with the most advanced 3D printing technology. The affordable Lisa X SLS printer with a large working area, compatibility with all materials and accessible process parameters makes it possible to quickly produce parts in excellent print quality.



Are you looking for the right solution for your production?
The machine finder helps you quickly and intuitively.


Start configurator

Individual solutions

Are you looking for an individual option that fits your ideas and requirements perfectly? Then get in touch with us. Together we will find a solution.



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